Friday, October 10, 2014

Homecoming Photo Booth Friday, October 10

Come one! Come all! 

Friday, October 10, 2014 
Tahlequah Homecoming 
The Greatest Show on Earth 

Commemorate the occasion with a professional party pic taken by Mesha Sanchez of TRA Photography.  For only $10, you'll get your own hard copy of the photo as well as the online version.

We'll see you under the big top at the football game!

All proceeds go to Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Roundup of grant recipients

Over the last two weeks, we've highlighted some teachers who thanked us for making a difference in their lives and the lives of their students.  We hope you've enjoyed reading what they've created.

We also hope you'll take the opportunity to donate to the Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation.

You can directly influence the quality of education our students receive by helping teachers realize their dreams.  No amount is too small. Together, we can make great things possible.

Together, we are "lighting the path towards excellence."

Mail checks to
Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation
1 Plaza South, PMB #278
Tahlequah, OK 74464

Here are the links that feature a handful of our grant recipients in one handy blog post.   Enjoy!

Tiffany Cacy

Lisa Bookout

Marketta Johnson

Amelia Brown

Janea Davis, Stephanie Ford, Emily Freise, and Robyn Rowland

Charlotte Wood

Inspired?  Please donate.

Grant Recipient Charlotte Wood

Name: Charlotte Wood
Subject Taught: Algebra I, geometry, EOI Projects
School: Tahlequah Central Academy
Grant Received: iPad, TI Nspire app, and accessories

We received this email from Charlotte Wood regarding a surprising benefit of receiving the grant. 
When I got the news that my grant was approved, I felt, in my heart, a great sense of satisfaction.  It was like I felt valued all of a sudden. 
Then, when my Amazon box arrived, it was like Christmas.  I know the grant’s purpose is to enhance education, but I never imagined how much receiving the grant would enhance my attitude! 
I have been using the iPad with so many apps that I’ve found to help both the lower AND upper level students with differentiated exercises.  I love it!  Thank you so much to the Foundation!
If you would like to help teachers like Charlotte Wood enhance education and attitudes, please consider donating to Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation. 

Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation does not replace state funds for education. Its goal is to nourish excellence and provide a wider range of educational opportunities for our students.