Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Fund Grants We Will

One of TPSF's favorite times of year is when we get to announce the grant recipients.  This year we did a Star Wars themed skit to honor our teachers. Thank you to all the teachers who applied and congratulations to all who received the grants. 

Carol Horn, Sasha Faulkner

Jessica Morrison, Gina Fisher, Amy Batie and Leslie Booth

Leslie Richardson, Elizabeth Rader, Heather Moles, Deena Jones, Kym Tinsley, 

Kristin Wadley, Rebecca Parish, Patrice Thornton, Shelli Lamons

Russel Hudgens, Amy Wright

Gabriela Veith, Amelia Brown, Lisa Yahola

May the Force of Education be with you. We at TPSF appreciate you and enjoy lighting the path  towards excellence with you.