Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Speech Language Pathology

"Thank you, TPS Foundation, for your support of us and for the provision of therapy materials." 
---Janea Davis, Stephanie Ford, Emily Freise and Robyn Rowland

Name:  Janea Davis, Stephanie Ford, Emily Freise, Robyn Rowland
Subject taught:  Speech Language Pathology
Grant received:  4 iPad Airs and $400 in iTunes gift cards to purchase apps ($3,675.80)

     “During ESY, I had the opportunity to put my new iPad to great use. I was working with one of my own kiddos so I was very familiar with this student. This third grade student is categorized as Intellectually Disabled and is in speech with articulation and both receptive and expressive language goals. In my last year working with this student, I had never been able to help him produce a /k/ or a /g/ sound in words. The first day of summer school speech, I decided to try out our new app, Articulation Station. This app allows the student to hear a prompt, repeat it into a microphone that is recording them, and then listen to a playback of their production.  He immediately began recognizing his error, AND making the correct production!  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was making 70+% each session. I am so thankful for this new tool that I know the children will enjoy using, AND that is actually helping them meet goals.” –Janea Davis, MS, CCC-SLP

     “I love how the iPad has all I need in ‘one’ place.  I travel to the high school to see students for therapy.  I have always had to carry a bag full of the different materials I might need.  This year all I have to take is my iPad.  It has everything I need and/or might possibly need during a therapy session.  It can be used as a data collecting tool, reinforcement, a resource, or as the therapy tool itself.  The students can use it to record their sound productions and also as a mirror so they can hear and see themselves.” –Robyn Rowland, MS, SLP

     “The iPads awarded to the speech and language program at Tahlequah Schools by the TPS Foundation have greatly enhanced our sessions with students.  Students are able to view 3-dimensional diagrams to help them find correct articulator placement.  They are able to record themselves and get immediate feedback, which has aided in the carryover of learned skills.  We have also been able to address individual goals more thoroughly and effectively with apps more specific to individual student needs.  Thank you, Tahlequah Foundation, for your generosity and help in getting materials for our classrooms.” –Emily Freise, MS, CCC-SLP

Will you help teachers make a difference?  Every dollar matters.
Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation does not replace state funds for education.  Its goal is to nourish excellence and provide a wider range of educational opportunities for our students.  With your help, we can help fund more grants.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

TPSF Equips Amelia Brown for AP Biology

Amelia Brown,THS AP Bio Teacher
Name:  Amelia Brown
Subject taught:  Biology/AP Biology
School: Tahlequah High School
Grants received:  Lab Equipment and Textbooks

In 2012, Amelia Brown was eager to revive the Biology II program she enjoyed during her years as a student at Tahlequah High School.  She received the grant and took her dream one step further.  "Thanks to the TPS Foundation Grant, Tahlequah High School now offers AP Biology," Brown said in her 2013 grant application.

What's the big deal about AP classes?  Brown explains.
 "AP courses help our schools achieve higher letter grades on the school based report card system now used to appraise schools in Oklahoma. Advanced biology courses also help prepare our students for college since most college students will at least take biology as their science credit.   Students who take AP classes have the opportunity to take the AP exam.  Depending on how they score on this exam, they can receive college credit for the course.  This is a huge benefit for the students.  Even if a student opts not to take the exam, they will benefit when they are in college because the expectations of college level science are clear to the student."

With the addition of Lab Quest equipment, students are able to get real time feedback on biological systems.  Students love to design and implement their experiments!

students use the Vernier Oxygen and CO2 sensors to measure cellular respiration
"With brand new college level text books, students are seeing the big picture while also being challenged.  I use these books across grade level because they contain so many beautiful images.   
The addition of AP Science classes at THS has encouraged many students to enroll.  I am seeing students who were not previously engaged in honors classes thrive in the AP setting.  These students do not just need to be challenged, but they readily welcome the rigor and are exceeding my expectations. "
Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation does not replace state funds for education. Its goal is to nourish excellence and provide a wider range of educational opportunities for our students.  With your help, we can help fund more grants that help teachers and students pursue their dreams.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Marketta Johnson Promotes Life-Long Reading

Central Academy's English Teacher
Name:  Marketta Johnson
Subject taught: 7-12 English
School: Tahlequah's Central Alternative Academy
Grant received:  Creating Life–long Readers 

Although many teachers request grants to fund technology, some know that a back-to-basics approach can make a big difference. Here's what Johnson had to say in her grant application back in 2012:

Our library at Central Academy consists of one bookshelf. Many of the novels are outdated or hand-me-downs from other schools in the district. I feel it would be a positive experience for Central and CCREA students to know that books bought with this grant were specifically purchased with their hopes, dreams, and ambitions in mind.
The goal of this project is to instill a love of reading in students. I believe this can happen when the chosen novels cater to the students ‘interests.  Central Academy and CCREA have a surprising number of students who love to read.  I believe just one book, the right book, could make all the difference in a child’s life. 
The library at Central Academy isn't just one bookshelf anymore!
Last week, Mrs. Johnson said, "The grant changed my classroom and class time activities.  It allowed students the opportunity to check out the most popular books within their own school. It also allowed me, as a teacher,  the opportunity to have classroom sets of books for particular classes, especially middle school."

Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation is grateful to teachers like Marketta Johnson who know exactly what students need.  Will you help us fulfill those needs? 

Please donate today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Grant Recipient Lisa Bookout Believes in Access for All

Middle School Wonder Woman Lisa Bookout

Name:  Lisa Bookout
Subject taught: 8th grade Science
Grant received:  Tablets for Teens : 10 Microsoft Surface Tablets w/covers and charging cart
Amount Received: $4,420

In her grant application, Lisa Bookout expressed her motivation for her request:
I teach 8th grade Science.  In my classroom we have textbooks that are 8 years old. Microsoft Tablets will be a great supplement to our outdated textbooks.  I want my students to have access to the latest technology possible.  Many of the lessons in my class incorporate a project, poster, or presentation that demonstrates their knowledge of Science concepts.  By having access to technology right in the classroom, ALL of my students will be able to express their understanding in innovative, relevant, and exciting ways.  I emphasize the word ‘ALL’ because many of my students do not have access to technology at home.

When we followed up with her this year, we learned the grant has truly been "ALL" encompassing and reached even more students than originally intended. 

I wrote this grant last year with the hopes of integrating much more technology in my Science classroom.  I wanted my students to have access to the latest technology possible.  Many of the lessons in my class incorporated a project, poster, or presentation that demonstrated their knowledge of Science concepts.  By having access to technology right in the classroom, ALL of my students would be able to express their understanding in innovative, relevant, and exciting ways.I was so happy to receive this grant and spent time collaborating with my teaching partner, Josh Hamilton, about ways in which we could amp up the units we taught and infuse them with technology.  We reworked lessons for this school year and added the technology piece to projects and assignments.  
Over the summer I was hired for a different position; therefore, I no longer teach 8th grade Science.  I am now the Gifted Resource teacher for the district.  Josh Hamilton along with Kevin Ismael are the 8th grade Science teachers.  During the past couple of weeks their students have been learning about Lab Safety and Lab Equipment.  The students created videos to demonstrate their knowledge.  I was fortunate to be able to watch some of the videos and they were great!  The students were extremely creative and did an excellent job conveying the concepts correctly.  According to Josh the students had a blast with this lesson and are eagerly awaiting the next project in which they get to use the tablets. 
Josh Hamilton's class uses grant-funded technology to film their commercials
 I can’t thank the Foundation enough for helping classroom teachers.  We are very fortunate to have an organization like this in our district that makes dreams come true for students and teachers.  Some may think that sounds a little silly, but it truly was a dream of mine to get tablets in the hands of my students.  I really appreciate you making that happen!

Will you help teachers like Lisa Bookout, Josh Hamilton, and Kevin Ismael make a difference?  Every dollar matters. You can positively influence public education in our community.

Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation does not replace state funds for education. Its goal is to nourish excellence and provide a wider range of educational opportunities for our students. With your help, we can help fund more grants that provide access to "all."

Donate at www.tahlequahpublicschoolsfoundation.org

Monday, September 22, 2014

Grant Recipient Tiffany Cacy Shares her iCan Attitude

Pre-K Teacher Extraordinaire Tiffany Cacy
Teacher: Tiffany Cacy
School: Sequoyah Pre-K
Grant: iCan with iPad
Amount Received: $5,693.00

Tiffany Cacy's own words from the grant application express her vision, research, and enthusiasm:

More schools are using smart-tablets to integrate learning.  Students are able to use these tools to take a more in depth look at their units of study.  Touch-screen tablets are perfect for young students, students with disabilities, or learning difficulties.  Apple has sold over 8 million iPads to educational institutions worldwide. Dozens of preschool and kindergarten teachers are adding iPads to their classroom of pencils and paints in an effort to hook young learners with the newest technology craze at the same time — or even before — their parents adopt it.

There are endless opportunities with an iPad. Here is a sample of a unit of study: Students will be able to research a topic on the Native American involvement in the First Thanksgiving, take virtual tour of a village or early settlement site, record a video interview, and give a presentation.  Students will be allowed to research personal interests, with teacher guidance. Plus, there are apps for just about anything.

By granting this request, students will have the opportunity to use cutting edge technology, while providing them with a device that has endless opportunities to grow and learn through touch and play.  All students will become confident students, thus insuring them as life-long learners.  This will turn every child into “iCan” kid.

After receiving the grant and putting it into action, Cacy shared this photo.  She says that the iPads "allows students an opportunity to interact with technology, enrich education, and feel ownership of their learning."

"Measuring success is easy in Pre-K, just look at the joy on their face!"

Will you help teachers like Tiffany Cacy make a difference?  Every dollar matters.

Tahlequah Public Schools Foundation does not replace state funds for education. Its goal is to nourish excellence and provide a wider range of educational opportunities for our students. With your help, we can help fund more grants that turn more kids into "iCan kids."